Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Long Long Sleep

So I've recently read this lovely book: A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan. It is phenomenal! Sort of a rewritten slightly feminist Sleeping Beauty, set in the future and filled with awkward love- fails, evil corporations, and heartbreak, this book brought me to tears of both joy and laughter. It all begins when sixteen year old Rosalinda Samantha Fitzroy is woken from a 68 year long medically induced sleep by, yes, a kiss, from a handsome boy named Bren. She is shocked to find out that everyone has forgotten about her since her placement in an out-of-the-way subbasement. Rose then discovers that she has slept through the Dark Times that killed millions of the Earth's population, including everyone she knew. Desperate to adjust to this new world, and to put the past behind her, Rose slowly finds herself drawn to Bren, but that is soon forgotten when a grave new danger arises. As she fights to survive the new threat to her existence, Rose faces the evils of her past, and comes to realize she can fight her own battles. she is not the Sleeping Beauty, locked away from all danger, but the thorny rose hedge, ready to fight and protect all who she loves.
It was amazing and refreshing to hear a story that didn't focus on  love and dating. I had been getting sick of all the love triangles *cough cough Hunger Games, Delirium, Even Harry Potter (a little), and of course, Twilight Cough cough* Overall I give this book a 10!

The first post EVER in the history of (my) world!

Hello, All Zero people reading this! It is July the fourth, or as the more rednecky parts of the U.S. like to call it: National Fireworks and Beer day. These two things can be a deadly combination, and no doubt I'll see a few firetrucks tonight. I personally hate fireworks because they terrify the family dog and she will not shut up or calm down! Yet but another reason why cats will always win. So, tonight, in honor of America, the country where I was born, the country that will not be taxed without representation, home of many great leaders and authors,  I ate some blueberries. Who knows, the night is still young, I could even be moved to light a candle :)